Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's...

time for candy!

The big treat kick-off started on Saturday at our neighborhood's Fall Festival. There was a pet parade and kid's costume contest, games, face painting, goodies and crafts. The weather was perfect and, even though I had spend the better part of the morning at the fabric store, Nathan was still running around like a mini Cierre Wood when I got there. Miri had a good time, too, getting a little extra lovin' from all the baby sitting-types.

After naps on Wednesday, Nathan put on his costume and reveled in all the joys of Supermanhood. He kept saying he was getting something special at Trunk or Treat. When I asked him what we was going to get he said, "A lollipop, a chocolate and some granola!" He was a little deflated when I told him he shouldn't expect granola at Trunk or Treat, but I softened the blow by telling him he could have candy for dinner. Here he is just after changing.

I finished getting things ready while Danny was in the...ehem...bathroom. Forever. I started to get worried and sent Nathan in after him (he's a boy, too, right?). He reported back that Daddy was brushing his hair. Danny soon appeared in costume as Nathan/Superman's alter ego. I could not, then, go Trunk or Treating as a disheveled mom! I don't think anyone would even recognize I was in costume to be honest. So in 5 minutes flat I whipped up (see what I did there?) this brilliant bakers costume to compliment the sweetest cupcake in town, Crazy Maizie!

So Trunk or Treating we did go, at the church around the corner. It was amazing! They had 5 or 6 hug inflatables, one of which was an obstacle course and charmed Nathan far more than any of the trunks full of candy.

We finally persuaded him to collect a few pieces of candy for his football bag. The first trunk he went to was, of course, Superman-themed. I submit to you Exhibit A. This is what exactly happened as Nathan reached for his first piece of Halloween candy this year. 

Yes, those are a urologist's hands. And the fact that my grocery budget depends on them is probably the only reason I didn't smack it with my baker's spoon as it reached into the children's candy. It is that Reese's Peanut Butter. The man is powerless in its presence. 

But eventually Nathan got to choose some for his football bag and we moved on.

 The trunks were great but the costumes were even better! Nathan loved looking at all the superheros and familiar (an unfamiliar) characters all around him.

Inside, they had popcorn, hot chocolate and a free family photo. It was great to let Miri warm up indoors. 

When we got home, I helped Nathan dump out his candy (he was reluctant to pour it all over the floor but I feel pretty strongly that this is the right way to do it). Despite all the chocolate, all the gummies, he cared only for the little box of "Nerves." He wanted this one piece of candy and it took him over 24 hours to finish it as he ate them Ridiculous.

We had such fun! So much fun, in fact, that Superman stuck around well into Friday, taking great care not to get any yogurt on his uniform. It is so nice having a superhero around. Daddy enjoyed his stay, too.

This crash landing went on for a good five minutes post recording. But I figured you got the idea.

Hope everyone had a night full of laughs and sweets!

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