I don't know where the past month went. I don't even think I ever posted anything on Nathan's 6 month check-up. Usually, I would be grateful for February to fly by. But not this year. Finally, when I am savouring every minute of every day, every squeal and every diaper change (savouring the change, not the diaper) and every blessed grin, life is blowing past me before I can even sit and glory in it.
So here we are. My baby who is supposed to still be helpless and soggy in my arms is trying to stand on his own. Rather than snuggling close for me to feed him, he is "helping" me with the mashed peas, and when I can't do it fast enough he'll settle for a gnaw on his rubber bib. And tomorrow he has his first job interview.
OK. So he doesn't really.
But he is growing up way too fast. And I just want to sit down and enjoy it for a little while.
So here are some of the things I like to think about:
He likes making all sorts of squeals and vowel sounds. Not too many of the consonants yet but we are getting there. He discovered the "ppp" and "TTTthhh"s about a month ago and seems to be stuck there.
He loves to pet Margot and have his hands licked (followed by a quick rub-down with hand sanitizer--no offense Margot). They cuddle in the mornings, and if I leave him too long and he starts to whine, I'll find him surrounded by all of Margot's toys and a very forlorn big sister.
He is 19 1/2 lbs of pure hunk. He carries it mostly in his cheeks. And thighs. He does about 30 minutes a day in the doorway bouncer to get them trim but so far it isn't helping (thank goodness!).
He loves to eat and has not turned down a single meal. Peas, green beens, avocado, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, banana, peaches, pears, apples, oatmeal, rice, chicken, yogurt and lentils have all passed the test. So far, it has all been homemade and so far he approves.
He laughs and laughs with tickling and any sort of surprise game. I'll do pretty much anything for a laugh out of him. In fact, I am pretty sure I was being followed by security at Hobby Lobby yesterday.
And my personal favorite: He loves to snuggle into my neck when he starts to get tired. He'll rub his face with his fists, find his thumb and ram his forehead into my clavicle. He'll rest there while I sing to him and then look up at me with his sweet eyes as I lay him in his crib. He gives me one last smile before I leave and let him sing himself to sleep.