And then she left.
If not for a call from a friend, I would have found myself a heap of tears in my bed, with my dog at my feet and my baby clenched tightly in my arms wondering how any woman in her right mind would have left this little girl to care for a helpless baby and manage a household. Instead I was distracted enough to make it over the hump and take the bull by the horns. And really I only had two days by myself until Danny's vacation started.
It has been wonderful having Danny around the house the past few days. He's a wonderful companion and a great Daddy. He has been putting Nathan to bed for the past few nights. I cannot begin to describe what this does for my soul. Just a bit of reprieve to gather myself before the night. We have had some great laughs (mostly at Arrested Development, the second season we found on Hulu) and even tackled a few tasks around the house.
Today we went to Nathan's first real doctor's appointment. I have been a little worried about his weight gain because sometimes he will sleep 5 hours before I finally wake him to relieve some of the pressure. Even then, he might only feed for 15 minutes on one side before falling into a deep sleep again. I was eager to determine if we were "doing it right."
3 week stats:
Weight: 9 pounds 4 ounces (up 21 ounces from just 2 weeks ago!)...50%ile
Height: 20 inches (just 1/2 an inch longer than he was at birth)...10%ile
So he's on the shorter side for now...I better stop calling him munchkin man, it just might stick.
Nothing else very exciting this week. Just lots of staring and exotic baby noises. But I'll take it! No one makes gas cuter than Nathan!
Nathan teaching Margot how to blow a bubble.
Getting psyched up for the doctor's visit.
Love that sweet face (confession: I photo-shopped some of the baby acne out of this picture. He's still beautiful with the blemishes...but, well, I'm his mother).
We celebrated a great doctor's appointment by going out to lunch. We didn't actually take advantage of the 2 hotdog special at Nathan's, he just wanted a picture by the sign. We actually had burritos (not at Nathan's).
It sounds like you three are having the time of your lives....yay! I can't decide if Nathan looks more like you or more like Danny...what do your families think? Thanks so much for these regular really is special to have a peek into your lives via the blog!
I'm so glad you guys are doing well!! What a cute family! In all the pictures he looks like such a big guy, but then in the last one you can truly see his size :) so cute!
Meg! He has your eyes. And Danny's spit bubbles.
Miss you all soooo much....
The photoshop thing is too funny. You're doing it! Way to go:)
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